Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Debate advice for The Hero

Not that he's listening. But there's really no need to throw out a bunch of one-liners about ACORN, Ayers, and the like. Mainly because the electorate has made it clear that A) they don't seem to care and B) going 'negative' turns undecided voters off and probably won't help The Hero at this point anyway.

What he needs to do is draw distinctions between how he will handle the financial mess and how Obama will. How his legislative record is vast and bipartisan, and how Obama's is short and extreme in its leftism.

He should also explain the difference in philosophy: That while government's role is important, it is not the solution to every problem, and no budget is big enough to deliver on the across-the-board entitlements promised by Obama.

There's no need to call Obama a Marxist (even if he is) – just explain to people why his ideas mirror Marxism. Then let them decide if our founding fathers envisioned a massive central government, sitting in Washington, sucking up taxpayer money and redistributing it among those who refuse to work as hard as others.

But most of all, The Hero simply needs to pose the essential question: Do we really know who this man is?

Victor Davis Hanson at NRO puts it well and here's a brief highlight:
I don't think anyone knows what Obama's true agenda is on things like FISA, NAFTA, Iraq, Iran, public financing, guns, abortion, capital punishment, coal, nuclear power, or drilling — or how to assess his claims of a new bipartisanship against the most liberal and partisan, albeit brief, record in the Senate.

So, The Hero doesn't need to 'go down swinging' as Dick Morris believes. He just needs to ask the American people if they are ready to trust this country to someone they really don't know. He needs to look them in the eye and show them the true leader that he is. One thing I know about the American people is, when they see a true leader, they'll follow.

Just my two cents.

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