Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Arrogant career politician insults curious taxpayers

Chuck Schumer of New York, who served in the House of Representatives before becoming a Senator, has been in Washington since 1981. He doesn't think you care about wasteful pork spending. Why? Because he thinks you're a stupid, annoying member of the "chattering class".

How dare you question where your money is being spent. Fools!

smug (comparative smugger, superlative smuggest)
1. Irritatingly pleased with oneself; self-satisfied.


Anonymous said...

I called this clown at both of his #'s over the past few days after hearing this remark he made on the senate floor. I'm from New York and before he made the comment, not more than 24 hours prior, I wrote a long email to him voicing my disgust about what he and the rest of our "representative" government was trying to ram down our throats. I have a hard time believing that I was the only person who emailed his office to voice displeasure. Somehow that means I don't care? It sickens me to people like Schumer have been in office for years because more than half of our country won't get off their fat a$$ and find the real truth for themselves.

And boy does it ease my sickness to see blogs like yours. Pretty similar to mine actually. Check it out when you can. I like to offer my own (sometimes poor) observations more than I like to post news I've found. But we're in the same boat at least. Cheers to you.


Capitalist Fanboys said...

Thanks for stopping by. The arrogance of these gasbags never ceases to amaze. I guess when you've made a lucrative career out of being a Washington blowhard, you just don't think before you insult the taxpayer. Hopefully New Yorkers will show this guy the door in 2010.