Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How to commit suicide...if you're a magazine

...or just reinforce how irrelevant you've become.


Anonymous said...

The funny thing about that issue of Time and some of the wackos on the web who have written articles about similar ideas is that they are clearly, and specifically painting the Obama administration and themselves as "Socialists" while most of the democrat party campaigns year after year as centrists and moderates who "represent main street America." What a huge lie! Their own teacher's pet media is now taking the "Socialist" sword out of it's sheath and will hide it no longer. At least now we can push "liberal" aside, since it doesn't hold much weight as a derogatory word, and finally start calling them by what they are - communists and socialists. If they won't hide it, why should we?

Capitalist Fanboys said...

In all fairness, I haven't read the article yet, mainly because I don't know anyone who buys or subscribes to that rag anymore. Except my dentist, and I'm not due there for a few months. But, I don't need to read the article to get the gist. It's a dumb cover and a stupid premise. Unfortunately, there's a lot of people right now who don't seem to have a problem with this leftward lurch. Those are the people we need to inform.

And to your point, I think you're right, obviously the Left is going ahead and giving the green light to label them Socialists now. Might as well!