Monday, September 8, 2008

Can I watch 'Halloween' in the same way again?

Jamie Jamie Jamie...I loved you in 'Halloween' and 'Trading Places', even more so in 'True Lies' (I think you know why.) How am I ever supposed to view these masterpieces in the same way again when you drop wisdom like this on us? [emphasis added]
I couldn't hold my own for one minute in a debate on any issue with someone like a Barack Obama or Joseph Biden and neither can Sarah Palin. When the call comes at 3AM I want a mind who was at the top of their class, who has gravitas and a real intellect. I want a leader who is a scholar who can hold the history of civilization in his head and will read and learn from the past as he charts the future.
— Jamie Lee Curtis, The Huffington Post, 9/3/08

I know I shouldn't be surprised, I mean, it's Hollywood after all and you have to swear your undying hatred for evil Republicans when you join that club. But let me inform Ms. Curtis of something: The worry that you just described about "wanting a mind" who is at the "top of their class" and is ready to take that 3AM call? That concern? That worry? That horror? Well, that's exactly how many of us feel about your boy Barry.

But hey, it's a free country sister.

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