Monday, September 8, 2008

European media, kind of like American media

Another interesting tidbit from Mark Steyn over at The Corner, discussing an email he received from a reader across the pond. [emphasis added]
I'm a political consultant based here in Ireland, and I can tell you that this country is absolutely brainwashed. I don't think Americans have any idea how much the European media is in the tank for Obama, and nor do I think they realise how much this has to do with a rancid anti-Americanism that pervades all Mainstream coverage of international affairs in Europe.

I had high hopes at one stage that John McCain might get a fair shake here in Ireland - he's visited a few times, and been well received - but once he got the nomination, and once he nominated Palin, our media started to paint him as satan. When Obama says he'll "restore America's reputation" what it really means is that people who hate America will be delighted by his election. Why so many Americans don't see it that way astounds me.
This kind of dovetails with my earlier post about the MTV host pleading with America to elect Barry. I honestly think this is the first U.S. election in history where Euros definitely wish they could (and in some cases may actually think they can) cast a vote. Luckily, that's not allowed.

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