Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Lipstick on a pig part 2

It's been a really long day and since I get paid elsewhere, posting on this blog is low on the priority list. So, I don't even have the energy to get into Matt Damon tonight. But don't worry, I'll get to him.

After absorbing this 'lipstick on a pig' story all day I'm convinced it's another one of these fake controversies that get blown out of proportion. It's pretty much a non-story. But isn't that what political campaigns are now? 24-hour 'gotcha' games fueled by nothing-better-to-do media?

Look, Obama wasn't insulting Palin - at least not directly - and the McCain camp should've just let it go. In fact, they would have looked a lot better (and won even more favor than they're already getting lately) if Sarah Palin had come out today and said, "Look folks, he wasn't talking about me...let it go."

Nevertheless, Obama screwed up by using a word from one of the best lines in Palin's convention speech. (And if you watch the video clip, it's almost as if he knew it was a poor choice as it was coming out...kind of funny.) That was the mistake: Not that it was a sexist insult, but that he should've known it would remind people of the pit bull line.

Now, I will admit to being slightly amused at seeing a Democrat become the victim of the same 'gotcha' tactics that the press has used on the Right for years. I mean, how many times have they twisted something Rush Limbaugh (like him or not) has said in an effort to mute his credibility? (Intellectually honest people only need answer that question.)

Advice to both campaigns: When you're stumping at these rallies, you're already playing to a friendly crowd. Why waste time bashing the other candidate? You're preaching to the choir aren't you? Why not spend that time talking about your ideas and what you want to do? I mean, both camps have said they want to move past these 'negative partisan politics'.


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