Thursday, September 11, 2008

Seven years later

The gray skies today were fitting. It's a somber anniversary. Always will be, and should. No domestic politics today, I just thought I'd share a picture I took at Ground Zero last month when I visited New York. It was my first time at the site, and it really brought the memories of that day back. I know that life goes on, but I guess part of me has never fully been able to move on. Truthfully, I don't think I want to. Some would call that angry, or sad.

But I don't ever want to forget the heroism that we witnessed that day and still witness from our troops across the globe today. I don't want to forget the national unity that we all felt, either. But most importantly - and to some maybe most unfortunately - I don't ever want to forget the horror of a perverted enemy that stands for nothing but bloodlust.

Whatever we do as a nation from this point forward, however you feel about how we should or should not respond to Islamic terrorism, my greatest hope is that my young nephews won't have to grow up in a world riddled with the debris caused by Radical Islam. One way or another, we're going to have to figure this problem out. We're going to have to erase it.

May we proceed to that end with undying love for America and her ideals, with wisdom, and most of all, with strength.

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